
COLLAGE is a young and enthusiastic firm founded in 2008. Being a multi disciplinary organisation it engages in creative and contemporary design solutions with a wide range of projects including architectural and interior services. At Collage, we believe that each project has its own peculiarity and cultural interpretation and should be approached with a unique and integrated vision. Architects Swapnil Valvatkar, Arun Kumar TD and Adwitha Suvarna are the key apostles who formed Collage Architecture Studio in the year 2008. The former two graduated from Goa College of Architecture in 2001, while Adwitha graduated from Bangalore Institute of Technology in 2002. Working at Chandravarkar & Thacker Architects and later at Mindspace Architects the trio attempts to develop an architectural language that could respond to the diversity of the field with simplicity by creating spaces that could converse with its surroundings and the users.

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