
To be most preferred, reliable and trusted logistic partner globally, with innovative technology and service excellence to provide quality value addition for global business with zero error. To be most reliable and trusted service provider, with commitments of on time, prompt and courteous service with zero error. To enhance value addition to our customer by providing innovative solution. Educating and promoting our staff to deliver the best quality service Maintain the excellence cash flow management and fair share of profit. To be responsible corporate citizen contributing toward society, protecting environment, adhering to safety and health of people. AGC began its journey from the small town in Loonkaransar, Rajasthan in the district of Bikaner, and has become one of the pioneering players in the Indian express Industry. In the last 22 years it has spreads its wings to all part of the country covering more than 7000 Pin codes through its own network and 1809 franchisees.

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