
What would anyone want from a co living space and what would they perhaps pay extra for These 2 basic questions led us to a research of almost 20 months. After a lot of analysis and data crunching, we present to you Locl. Locl is owned by Curated Living Solutions Private Limited, a Divya Sree Group Company, and is focused on providing a wholesome co living and working experience through smart real estate design, superior services, an in house kitchen that serves up the most delicious meals and, of course, an environment that lets you call this place home. Welcome to a place that complements your lifestyle, that lets you chase your dreams, and urges you to seek more out of life. Locl is designed to foster a culture of positivity and camaraderie. But if this is not enough, here are the finer details that make Locl your ideal choice for a home. Your safety is our highest concern.

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